Fine Art | Antiques| Furniture/ Decorative Arts/ Jewelry | Silver | Glass /Carpets
Christina L. Pereiro, Member ISA
Connecticut Appraisals

“Our admiration of the antique is not admiration of the old, but of the natural.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

we provide value and options

Professional Assessments
When collecting glass always remember condition, condition, condition!

New Ideas in Collecting
Have you ever noticed the doorknob as you enter a historic home or building? These are architectural elements that make the building unique.
The World of quality Antiques
Appraisal firms and auction houses are the largest employers of appraisers. However, some appraisers choose to work as independent contractors. Successful art appraisers must develop a reputation for honesty and accuracy in order to gain credibility with their clients and the IRS. Spending a number of years practicing the craft helps appraisers enhance their skills and reputation in this industry.